A Waxing 21st Century Moon

Welcome to The Moon Society’s upgraded website!  After some phenomenal work from our web team, James, Scotty, Rose & Mike, we’ve got a new website design to better work with the myriad ways that people now access the World Wide web. This is but a start.  We’ve also been quietly working on securing our financial […]

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Lunar Economy Theme Issue

Introducing a new Moon Society Publication THE LUNAR ECONOMY Relevant articles from Moon Miners’ Manifesto years 1-25 (1986-2011) http://www.moonsociety.org/publications/mmm_themes/mmmt_LunarEconomy.pdf A Lunar Economy will rest on 3 foundations:   Elements fairly abundant on the Moon: Iron, Aluminum, Magnesium, Titanium – the 4 “engineering metals” – plus Oxygen, Silicon, and Calcium. Any products that can be made […]

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Moon Society congratulates China on successful launch of Chang’e-1 probe towards the Moon

October 24, 2007: XICHANG – The launch of China’s first lunar probe Chang’e-1, on a Long March CZ-3A booster, was successful, a Chinese official announced Wednesday evening at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China’s Sichuan Province. Li Shangfu, director of the Xichang launch center, made the announcement after the orbiter successfully entered the […]

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Moon Society Joins Space Solar Alliance for Future Energy (SSAFE)

Link: http://ssafe.org/ From Moon Society President Peter Kokh October 10, 2007 — We are used to NASA being the source of most space initiatives. But times are rapidly changing. The Space Prize phenomenon, after the long awaited success of the X-Prize Challenge, now seems to have developed a self-sustaining momentum with prize-driven developments likely to […]

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2007 Membership Drive

July 28, 2007 – The Society’s Leadership Council, at its July 18th meeting, put together a dual incentive plan for this year’s membership drive. The drive is aimed not only at encouraging new members to join the Society, but to encourage former members to rejoin us. THE FIRST THIRTY persons to join the Society will […]

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The Human Expansion Triway into Space

triway path to space

  by Peter Kokh, President of the Moon Society There are three principal human space expansion pathways advocated by persons preoccupied with one of three principal imperatives. Each of them sees space as important to the ultimate challenge facing humanity: survival of mankind. 1) Planetary Defense of our homeworld from potential impactors (Near Earth Asteroids) […]

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Railroads on the Moon? Why not!

Railroad on the Moon

  In a 1999 book (an updated edition is due in 2007) “The Moon: Resources, Future Development and Colonization” by David Schrunk, Burton Sharpe, Bonnie Cooper, and Madhu Thangavelu, the authors brought up the concept of a lunar railroad as a primary method of expanding out from the periphery of an innitial outpost towards a […]

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