Reauthorizing the Vision for Space Exploration

On May 7, 2008, George Whitesides, Executive Director of our affiliate organization, The National Space Society, read a prepared comprehensive and in depth presentation on the future goals of the American Space Program before Congress. His audience was a US Senate Subcommittee – the Subcommittee on Space, Aeronautics, and Related Sciences Committee on Commerce, Science, […]

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Growing Plants on the Moon

A cool article Thursday April 17th titled Plants thrive on Moon rock diet. In short the scientists took crushed anorthosite a type of rock similar to rock on lunar surface and planted marigolds in it. The marigolds didn’t do very well in the plain anorthosite. But in the anorthosite that they added bacteria to, the […]

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Remembering Arthur C. Clarke

Link: I grew up in the 1950s as an avid reader of science fiction. Right from the beginning, I took such a liking to stories by Arthur C. Clarke that I bought everything he put out. Unlike many others, who fantasized about things impossible, Clarke always wrote with his slide rule in hand (prehistoric […]

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Railroading on Moon and Mars

by Peter Kokh Most of us are familiar with the critical role that railroads played in opening up the American West. The story was repeated, with some differences, in Canada and Australia. And with the railroads came the benefits of the Industrial Revolution. The railroads extended communications (telegraph) and by providing access to the territory […]

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