The Moon Society was formed at its Organizing Conference on July 22-23, 2000. It was originally formed to become the membership organization for the Artemis Society, allowing the Artemis Society to concentrate on furtherance of the Artemis Project. Since then the Moon Society has become the primary organization, working toward the goal of returning human beings to the Moon. The Moon Society has advocated for commercial permanent lunar settlement in many ways. We have fostered the creation of several publications (most recently the Outbound Newsletter and the book publishing imprint Luna City Press), and participated in public outreach through conferences, chapter-led events, and online discussions.
The Moon Society is organized as a Texas non-profit corporation and is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
A full history of the Moon Society is available in the Moon Society Primer, which was included as part of Peter Kokh’s book A Pioneer’s Guide to Living on the Moon that the Society published in 2018.