- Adriano Autino [4]
- Michael Bakk [3]
- Dallas Bienhoff [4]
- Thomas L. Billings [1]
- Alan B. Binder [2]
- W. Paul Blase [1]
- David Dietzler [1]
- Eric Douglass [2]
- David A. Dunlop [1]
- Steve Durst [1]
- Marianne J. Dyson [1]
- Peter Eckart [2]
- Larry Jay Friesen [3]
- Tom Greenwalt [3]
- Phillip R. Harris [4]
- Gordon Haverland [4]
- Niklas Jarvstrat [1]
- Terry Kok [1]
- Geoffrey A. Landis [2]
- T. D. Lin [2]
- Pradeep Mohandas [5]
- Linda Plush [4]
- Chip Proser [1]
- Jesus Raygoza [3]
- Phil Sadler [4]
- David Schrunk [1]
- Peter J. Schubert [4]
- Burton Sharpe [1]
- Jayashree Sridhar [5]
- John K. Strickland [4]
- Ian Randal Strock [1]
- Lawrence A. Taylor [4]
- Madhu Thangavelu [1]
- Bryce Walden [1]
- Will Watson [4]
- Cheryl Lynn York [1]
Each of the above was chosen for an area of expertise and/or experience of great value to the Moon Society in its pursuit of our goals. The Board of Advisors does not meet or function as a group, nor is there a BoA mail-list. The people named each have special expertise relevant to the realization of the Society’s vision, and available to the Society individually, when we have a question or when we need advice in a matter to which their individual expertise is relevant.
For Dates of Appointment, and for a short note about each advisor, see the links below
- [1] Ratified by the Board of Directors December 15, 2004
Introducing the Society’s First Fifteen Advisors - [2] Ratified by the Board of Directors March 2, 2005
Introducing Five new Advisors - [3] Ratified by the Board of Directors January 17, 2007
Introducing Four new Advisors - [4] Ratified by the Board of Directors February 10, 2009
Introducing Ten new Advisors - [5] Approved by the Board of Directors August 18, 2010
Introducing Two new Advisors
Moon Society Advisors are governed by the Moon Society Bylaws, Article VIII – Board of Advisors and Other Bodies