Note: This article is out of date with our current membership info procedures.
One possible reason that some members fail to renew their membership is that they never get email updates on Society Progress, let alone renewal reminders. There are three main reasons why this may happen:
• The member changes his/her email address and fails to notify the society.
• The member’s Internet Service Provider employs spam filters that may intercept Society email: if you are an DSL subscriber, you will be one of these. All society email to addresses is automatically rejected by’s filters. You have not blacklisted us, but your ISP has.
• The member has chosen to receive the newsletter electronically, and expects it to show up in the email box. Or the member does not have high speed/broadband access and finds it difficult to download the newsletter files which average about 1 megabyte each.
Changing your email address:
If you change your email address, do not notify us, and have chosen to receive the electronic version of MMM, you will not get notices when a new issue is available for downloading. If you fail to check pdf file availability on your own, you will stop hearing from the Society and inevitably lose interest.
Here is how to avoid that unhappy situation. – First, go to
This is your own personal Moon Society webpage. You need to establish a username and password for access to this page and will be prompted to select a username and password if you have not done so already. Choose a username and password that is easy for you to remember, for example, your username can be your email screenname. Pick a password that is meaningful; a pet’s name, a science fiction hero, or a password you are used to using on other sites.
On this page,
you will find your personal contact data in the upper left hand box, and you can click the edit option to make needed changes in email address, postal address, phone # etc. By doing this you assure that your newsletter arrives in your new mailbox if you have moved and chosen the hardcopy newsletter option. It also guarantees that Society email will be sent to your current email address.
If you get the newsletter electronically only, when you next renew, you can select the hardcopy option at no extra cost, and still download the pdf file. This would ensure that MMM still comes your way in one form or another. Of course, we need you to notify us of any contact information changes, or make the edits yourself.
Bypassing ISP Spam Filters
You can make sure that society email ends up in your In email Box, simply by putting the various Society email addresses in your address book. This will allow your mail program to recognize our mail as mail you want to read. Here are the addresses in question:
mail from the Society President
mail from the Secretary
mail from Membership Processing (renewal reminders)
optional Discussion List
Team Participation reminders
• – notice that the next issue of MMM is ready for downloading at
Please take just a few minutes to add each of these addresses to your email Address Book. This process is called “whitelisting,” obviously in contrast to “blacklisting.’ That you yourself have not blacklisted any address is not the point. Some ISPs will do so on their own without explicit countermeasures on your part, such as we have described above.
Receiving your Newsletter electronically
Moon Miners’ Manifesto is published ten times a year. When it is done, the editor sends it as a pdf file to two locations:
• to the printer who produces hardcopy from the pdf file, to mail to those who have chosen the hardcopy option
We do not email the pdf file directly to members. It goes into the /members/mmm/ directory given above and members with valid current email addresses on file automatically get an email message stating that the newsletter is ready to download, along with instructions on how to do so.
So if we do not have your current email address, you do not get this notice. If you have neglected to select a username and password, you will not have access to these pdf files. It’s as simple as that. We need your active cooperation for the electronic newsletter option to work.
If you do not have a fast internet connection, you may want to select the hardcopy option when you renew.
Now you are all set for an interactive membership experience!