February 10, 2009 — (Amended March 2, 2009 with the addition of Adriano Autino)
We introduced the first fifteen members of the Moon Society’s then new Board of Advisors in our November 28, 2004 report and in the December issue of Moon Miners’ Manifesto #181, page 11. Since then, we added five more on March 2, 2005, and four more people to the Board of Advisors on January 17, 2007.
Today we are happy to present ten more advisors. They are:
Adriano Autino – Founder of the Space Rennaissance Initiative, Adriano lives in Italy
Dallas Bienhoff – [The Space Show bio on file] Dallas is the Manager for In Space and Surface Systems for Constellation, Space Exploration at Boeing. We met Dallas at ISDC 2007 in Dallas (a coincidence) where he gave a presentation on the benefits of refueling Moon-bound craft in orbit. We video-interviewed him, and you can watch these videos in 4 parts.
Phillip R. Harris – website – Phil is a noted author in many fields, including space.
Gordon Haverland – Gordon is a materials specialist interested in “Extra-Terrestrial Engineering.” He lives in Alberta, Canada
Linda Plush – Linda Plush founded the Space Nursing Society, and currently serves as its Executive Director. [Space Show Interview]
Phil Sadler – Phil is an engineer and machinist who built the Food Growth Chamber that provides those stationed at the South Pole Amundsen-Scott Station with two salads a day. He works in coordination with CEAC, the Closed Environment Agricultural Center at the University of Arizona. He has recently built a telescoping cylindrical greenhouse that would be suitable for a lunar outpost. [Greenhouse Videos in 5 parts]
Peter J. Schubert – Dr. Schubert, formerly a member of the Moon Society Board of Directors, is Senior Director for Space and Energy Research at Packer Engineering, Naperville, IL. His passionate vision is of Solar Power Satellites build with lunar materials. He is also interested in starting a productive conversation between environmentalists and advocates of space solar power.
John K. Strickland – John is the penultimate space activist. He has made himself an authority on Solar Power Satellite systems as well as on space transportation systems, and much, much more.
Lawrence A. Taylor – [website] – Professor of Geological Sciences at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, Dr. Taylor is a well known expert on moon dust, and has invented ways to domesticate this mischievous medium by using its magnetic properties. He received a University of Luna Award at ISDC 2008 for his work.
Will Watson – Will is the current Executive Director of The Space Frontier Foundation, an organization that s very close to ours in philosophy. Twenty years ago, SFF considered Moon Miners’ Manifesto an SFF project, having given us our first real computer (if you discount Commadore 64) and software support. We look forward to mutual collaborations along many lines in the future.
We thank these people for their willingness to serve as Advisors to the Moon Society.
Moon Society Advisors are governed by the Moon Society Bylaws, Article VIII – Board of Advisors and Other Bodies