March 2, 2005 — We introduced the first fifteen members of the Moon Society’s new Board of Advisors in our November 28, 2004 report and in the December issue of Moon Miners’ Manifesto #181, page 11. Since then, we have added five more, bringing the total to twenty. We are proud to introduce them to you:
Alan B. Binder, Lunar Research Institute, Tucson, AZ. Principal Investigator of the Lunar Prospector mission that in 1998 discovered high ratios of hydrogen in permanently shaded areas of the Moon’s polar regions, presumably representing cometary water-ice mixed in the top regolith area.. He took over the grass-roots launched project in 1989 and held it together until NASA adopted it as its second Discovery Mission.
Eric Douglass, Mechanicsville, VA. American Lunar Society webmaster and its newly elected President. Created and opperates the ALS Lunar Observers Certificate Program with Lunar Geology Primer..
Peter Eckart, Munich, Germany. Space engineer, and author of the highly praised “Lunar Base Handbook.”
Geoffrey A. Landis, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Well known scientist and author with an encyclopedic grasp of the technical issues of space exploration, and has authored a growing number of breakthrough concepts.
T.D. Lin, Wilmette, IL. Principal Research Engineer. Construction Technologies Lab., Div. of Portland Cement Assoc., Skokie, IL. In the early 1980s, demonstrated the production of concrete cement, first from Lunar Simulant and then from actual Apollo return samples. He has since refined his techniques using a water-conserving steam process. Designed a 210,000 square foot lunar outpost made of concrete and steel. He has spoken at several ISDCs and other conferences..
Moon Society Advisors are governed by the Moon Society Bylaws, Article VIII – Board of Advisors and Other Bodies